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Mullen Family Meals - Log on to help

Mullen Family Meals

Hello friends,
As many of you know, Jennifer Mullen is terminally ill. Her three kids are being cared for by her brother and his wife, Rebecca. In order to keep normalcy in the kids lives, she enrolled each of them in their favorite activity after school and has committed to shuffling them around Monday through Thursday in the afternoons. This, along with being Jen's advocate and caretaker, doesn't leave much time to cook a healthy dinner for the family of five. So, she said she is finally ready for some help with meals - only Monday through Thursday.
The kids are typical kids - they like healthy american food without spice. Rebecca shuttles them around all over Plano and would be delighted to meet you somewhere for a handoff if you are willing to help. Would you cook a meal for this family? It would take some pressure off this wonderful woman who is giving her all in a tough situation. Thank you!!!
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